A Resolution to Douglas' Hereditary Curse

A Drama in Two Parts....

look li kao
Elderly but upright, this spirit's dignity lends him grace. He appears as a raven wrapped in a yellow silk kimono, girdled with gold and enamel and trimmed with embroidered clouds and dragons and other wind symbols. Around his neck a pendant of red jade carved in the shape of a half-open eye dangles, and his black feathered hands hold a staff of fresh oak, with green leaves sprouting at the top. The somewhat raggedy feathers of his head bear testimony to his great age, but his greenish beak is long and polished, and his eyes bright and sharp and not without humor.

Sheltered Clearing
This clearing is small, sheltered, and easy to miss. Two holly trees, one with berries, mark the opening you came through. To the west, a small creek curves around from the north and cuts through the edge of the clearing, and there are several low, flat stones placed by its side. Wild roses bushes grow bramble-like between the trees making most directions impassable, a few tiny, wrinkled rosehips glinting among the thorns. The perimeter of the clearing is matted with thick weeds, now mostly dead. Nestled in amidst the undergrowth to the southeast is a small, weather-worn, once-white canvas tent on a wooden frame that looks like something out of the middle ages, and the faint ghost of a path traces a loose double spiral from the holly trees, in toward the center, and out again to the tent, although the entire clearing could be crossed directly in three strides.
Dylan's scent is clear everywhere in the clearing, and particularly clings to the canvas of the tent.
Obvious exits:

Li Kao has arrived.

Dylan is sitting on a flat stone at the side of the creek, in his accustomed half-lotus position. His eyes are open but not focussed. He gets like this a lot, of course.

Li Kao appears, hovering mistily and hobbling through the air towards the meditating Garou. One feathered hand points imperiously at his target. "You there! Contemplating your belly button! The Lord Li of Kao is here to grant you wisdom!"

Dylan's eyes come into focus. He gazes at the apparition for a moment, taking in, perhaps, not just the startling announcement, but the yet more startling costume. Then he says, *I am as flattered as I am surprised, my lord.*

Li Kao props himself on his oak staff. "Hmph. You're polite, at least," he croaks. "It has come to the attention of Heaven that there is an unfortunate imbalance in the ch'i of one of your students due to a hereditary mishap. I am here to instruct you on rectifying this error immediately."

From afar, to the room, Dylan handwaves the ubiquitous wyrmcheck, presuming there is none?
You paged the room with 'Rightyo.'.

Dylan unfolds himself, unintentionally looming over the raven spirit. *Indeed.* His attention is sharper, now, but he has not left bemusement behind. *That is more kind than I can say.* He eyes the bird with some interest.

Dylan pages to the room: And here we reach The Question: does Truth of Gaia work on spirits?
Long distance to the room: Limbo looks it up. The wording doesn't exclude anyone, so far as I can tell. So, sadly, I'll have to say yes. :} It just makes the trickster's job a little harder.

Li Kao peers upwards at the Garou, squinting out of one black eye, and nods sharply. "Truth comes in many forms, and wisdom as well," he intones sententiously, "And the guises of spirits are not to be trusted. What seems like an insurmountable mountain to you is a tiny wrinkle in the gaze of Heaven. Come, show me this charge of yours and we will get down to business."

Dylan tucks a straying lock of his long hair back behind one fur-tipped ear. *May I inquire more precisely the nature of this business?*

Li Kao glares, and the feathers of his head ruck up gracelessly. "Are you slow or just deaf? I am to instruct you on how to cure the problems of this inauspicious student of yours. Well. One problem. The others are probably beyond even /my/ scope."

Dylan's eyes dance. *I must be slow, my lord,* he says, with evident amusement. *For I have never heard that I was deaf. Let me see if I have grasped it yet. You are here to instruct me in the manner to remedy...some...of my student Douglas's troubles?*

Li Kao thumps his staff soundlessly on the air (he is still standing some six inches off the ground). "That is correct. Now, where is this unfortunate individual?"

Dylan inclines his head gravely. "That I cannot say, having no talent for such things. But if it is my instruction you are here for, then why do you wish to seek him?"

Li Kao snorts impatiently. "What physician fails to even glance at the patient before prescribing?"

Dylan suppresses a grin and inclines his head again. *Well, then, in your service I will guess where he might be. Come.* He nods toward the opening in the briars.

Li Kao rises up a few feet in the air and settles himself comfortably on Dylan's shoulder. "I'm too old to walk," he announces, although he has in fact done no walking in Dylan's presence so far. "Carry on."

Dylan looks...startled. After a few minutes, laughter riding behind his eyes (as well as on his shoulder), he makes his way out, shifting down to homid as he goes - carefully so as not to imbalance his ancient passenger.

Dylan ducks through the underbrush and leaves the clearing.
You duck between the low branches of the holly trees, and make your way out of the clearing.
Bawn: Western Forest
Tall Sitka spruce and sequoia crowd around and above you. Many of the trees are old, their branches twisted into impossible shapes, trunks broad and draped with lichen, mosses and creepers. Tendrils of moss hand down from them like green spiderwebs, snaring the unwary with cold, ghostly fingers. The patches of younger growth are dense and pale, needles tinged with silver. Matted undergrowth huddles sullenly in the occasional small clearings, clutching with thorns and burrs at the legs of those who would pass. Deer seldom venture here, but the forest is full of rustlings, and tiny glints from wary, watchful eyes.
The forest spreads out to the east, bounded on the west by Sunrise Road. From farther to the west, one can occasionally here the distant sounds of the town of Kent's Crossing.
Li Kao
Obvious exits:
Deer Path Sunrise Road Farmhouse Caern of the Hidden Walk Creek East South North

Dylan moves through the forest, heading south.
You travel south through the forest for a few miles.

Bawn: Southern Forest
Evergreen trees spread their overhead branches wide across the forest floor. Each tree limb interlinks with its neighbor, forming a thick overhead canopy of pine needles that leaves the forest floor dim even at noon. An apparent tenseness seems to permeate the air here, and there is a somewhat less than subtle feeling that perhaps something is watching. The behavior of the wildlife in the area betrays a certain wariness that suggests the presence of predators nearby.
The southern edge of the bawn is marked here by the railroad tracks which run from St. Claire and Kent's Crossing to the west, towards the mountains to the east.
Obvious exits:
Ash Grove Railroad South Caern of the Hidden Walk Sept Compound Half Moon Pool West North East

Dylan makes his way toward the Sept Compound with a wizened raven spirit perched on his shoulder.
Dylan enters the Sept Compound.

You step out of the forest and into the Sept Compound.
The Sept Compound
This clearing has recently undergone a bit of construction, though it seems that at least some attempt has been made to keep the new structures harmonious with the landscape around them. The central area is dominated by a cookfire; in the southwest corner a shelter has been dug into the earth and covered, while to the northwest, an open-air cabin of sorts has been built. Except for the area around the fire, it seems nature has been allowed to take its course. However, a student of such things might think that some minimal landscaping or planning has been done, for the meadowlike profusion of grasses and other plants has an unusually high concentration of brilliant flowers, which attract a number of bees and butterflies.
A faint trail leads off to the east, and a bit north.
Current Compound Residents (Updated: Mar 13)
Obvious exits:
Shelter Forest

Dylan makes his way into the Sept Compound with a wizened raven spirit in a yellow kimono perched on his shoulder.

Douglas, who has until recently been sitting in front of a smoldering fire notices an arrival and looks up.

Douglas looks a bit more then mildly suprised at who has just entered the Compound. "umm... Good evenin'... What's up?"

Li Kao leaps lightly down from Dylan's shoulder and hobbles over to Douglas. Slowly, with infinite care, he walks a circle around the Garou cub, grumbling and muttering to himself. "A serious case... a very serious case. We'll have to take him into the Umbra for a thorough examination." He comes to a stop in front of Douglas and thumps his oak staff on the ground. "You! How long have you suffered from sleep problems? Do you eat your meat cooked or raw? And do you dress like this all the time?"

Dylan's demeanor is grave, though his eyes are very bright. "Douglas," he says. "This is, by his introduction, the Lord Li of Kao, who has come to help us with your problems. Some of your problems," he corrects himself.

Douglas looks a little startled at the questions, yet also a bit ammused. "Umm.. I have expirenced the dreams since a bit after my first change... Actually it was more like a short time after my first trip to the umbra."

Li Kao nods wisely. "Yet at first you were unaware of this. You sleepwalked, yes? You have experienced great and sudden ch'i reversals, I am right? Boy, you are in grave danger."

Douglas nods. "Yes I have sleepwalked without knowing it. And I have no idea what you are talking about my, Ch'i... I don't know if it would of been reversed"

Li Kao announces, "I am here as the messenger of the August Personage of Jade, and I can see that this is no small mission. We have a great work before us." He looks over at Dylan. "You are his teacher, you will bear the heaviest responsibility in this."

Dylan's eyes widen in surprise. He glances from Li Kao to Douglas, and back to the spirit again, and his face betrays a mixture of emotions. Then it grows still and he bows his head. "I will do...all that is in my power...whatever the cost." He lifts his eyes to meet the raven's after that.

Douglas makes a minor objection to this statement, "Dylan and Casper have taught me."

Li Kao looks at Dylan with bright black eyes and nods briskly. "I will show you what to do." Then he looks back at Douglas. "Is this so? Then he also must lend us his strength." He puts his head on one side, musingly.

Douglas looks to the spirit with confusion in his eyes. "What is going on?"

Li Kao replies briskly, "I am to educate your teachers in how to correct the spiritual imbalance to which you are subject. The effort, however, must also be yours."

Li Kao adds ominously, "It will be no small task."

Douglas nods to this. "I have been expecting something... yet I am still confuzed as to what it will be."

Li Kao replies, "Good. Confusion is the first step on the road of Tao."

Dylan's eyes gleam. "Desert-rhya, you should be here, now," he murmurs to himself. Lifting his voice he says, "Is it not emptiness, then, my lord, which is the first step?"

Li Kao replies serenely, "All steps on the road of Tao are the first step."

Dylan inclines his head once again, looking unaccountably pleased.

Douglas says "Tao?... my sensei back home spoke of that alot... as well as this Ch'i... a ~center~ is it?"

Douglas says "Sorry, didn't mean to presume anything. What does this all involve?"

Li Kao lifts an admonishing finger to Douglas. "Ch'i is the center and it is the periphery. It is the movement and the stillness of all things. But these matters re for your teachers to introduce you to, at the proper time. Now. These things must be done. You will bathe in cold water every morning and evening, before and after you sleep (it will be no harm if the water has had the Rite of Cleansing performed on it) to help purify your sleep from the influence of this spirit. After each bath you will scrub yourself with fir branches to awaken your ch'i and get it moving properly."

Douglas nods. "Cold bath eh? Sounds refreshing... That is easy, what else is there."

Li Kao goes on. "You will eat only raw foods, to keep yourself from the yang influence of fire, and drink only water, but no well water: you must not drink water that has been long in the dark. Stream or lake water will do. You must meditate each day for at least half an hour upon the Empty Cup. You must wear clothing formed only of plant fibers, no leather or fur, for you should not be tainted with death energies."

Douglas looks upon himself. "Raw food I can do... I hardly eat any meat anyways. Water is really the only here that I have to drink, and I will remember to drink only from a stream or lake. I'm sure Dylan or Casper will assist me in meditations. The only clothing I have that is from an animal is my jacket which I can leave off with someone else for now."

Li Kao nods in approval and continues, "You must gather branches of the willow for the cleansing ceremony, as well as many smooth gray rocks. Also dry wood of the apple tree. Your teachers," turning to glance at Dylan, "Must wear white or yellow clothing for the ceremony. You must be dressed in red. We will need beeswax candles and sandalwood incense for cleansing. We will also need a bottle of sea water. Gather these things together and I will divine us an auspicious day for the ceremony."

Douglas looks proudly up to the spirit. "I will not assume that this will all be so easy, but I will try my best. I ~will~ do what you have said I must."

Dylan nods slowly. "I hear and understand, Lord Li," he says gravely. "Tell me. Are these things truly part of a path toward setting this young one free from the spirit which follows him...and leaving him well again?"

Li Kao draws himself up imperiously. "I give you my word that this ceremony will prove the way to cleanse this student of the influence you speak of. As for being well, that is his own path to choose."

Dylan nods. "I ask only for him that he be able to make his choice." He seems satisfied.

Douglas nods, and almost reciting an old memory says, "Only the one of our blood who achieves the appropriate level will be able to defeat our curse. It was something like that, that my grandpa told me... I could never remember his exact words."

Li Kao nods curtly. "I must go and meditate upon the proper time for this ceremony, when the ch'i of the universe will be in our favor." He looks in Douglas' direction and intones, "You have carried the heavy weight of this curse long enough. Destiny is on our side."

Douglas smiles to Li Kao as well as himself. "Destiny. I thank you Spirit... with all my heart."

"I hope," Dylan's voice carries gently to the spirit as he prepares to go, "that you will one day favor us with your...generous reasons for rendering us this service."

Li Kao pauses and points his staff at Dylan. "I was asked. Politely, even. Now I must depart from your company." He looks over at Douglas. "You are most welcome. You make me feel confident in our endeavor." And with that, the little spirit dissolves into a glow of yellow light and is gone.

Dylan pages to Limbo and Li Kao: HOW'M I GONNA EXPLAIN THIS TO CASPER???? :) :)
You paged Li Kao and Dylan with 'In your own inimitable manner, I'm sure. :)'.
Dylan pages to Limbo and Li Kao: Heh. Inimitable. I like it! ;)

Dylan regards Douglas. "Congratulations," he says finally.

Douglas smiles a beaming smile that shows a pride and confidence that was before this meeting, lacking.

Douglas says "Thank you... and I will thank you again when we have finished what he has asked me to."

Douglas takes off his jacket, "This is possession that I value... I ask you to take care of it for now... If you can."

Dylan nods slowly. "Yes. Yes, it will be good to be finished with it," he says. "And, yes, I will guard your jacket for you. The tent my mothers sent me will keep it dry." He takes the jacket carefully. "Now, I think, I must seek out Child's-Eyes, and tell him what has occurred."

Douglas nods... and a confuzed look on his face betray his thoughts... 'Mother?'

Dylan nods. "My mothers. Many years ago, when I first came to this place, they sent me a tent to sleep in. Sometimes I still do, when it rains." He smiles. "It is like a white canvas thicket, but less scratchy."

Douglas ahs.. still a bit confuzed, but satisfied.

Dylan says, "Good night, Douglas," and makes his way out of the compound.

Dylan steps into the forest.

The Forest of Ten Thousand Arboreal Blessings
Beautiful old trees stand like silent sentinels in the umbral night, and the scent of pine is like incense. This pocket clearing in the dark and brooding Umbra is obviously prepared for a great event. To begin with, small round stones have been arranged in a neat circle about twenty feet across in the center of the area. Five of these stones, roughly equidistant, have been marked with a Chinese character in black and red wax. To the west and outside the ring of stones, willow branches form a neat pile next to a small stack of applewood, and beeswax candles lie ready. Within the stone ring, several piles of cloth lie folded and ready, along with a pile of paper, a bottle of what appears to be water, and a porcelain bowl.
Three brass lamps hanging from trees give this place a dim and flickering light, and the scent of sandalwood permeates the air.
Li Kao

l li kao
Sharp black eyes, a balding pate, a finely polished beak and somewhat draggled looking feathers all herald the great age and authority of this raven spirit. But it is his garments which dazzle the eye. He is wearing a flat square cap, covered in red silk and with a golden button on the top: carved pendants in the Eight Colors of Jade, adorned with yellow silk tassels, dangle down on every side. His robe is so heavily embroidered with golden and silver thread that it is difficult to tell that it is of the Imperial Yellow, and the celestial and gnostic signs which cover it seem to flow like clouds. His sash is of red silk with golden plates, and the Sword of Discernment, with its pearl-encrusted sheath (representing purity) thrust through it on the left. On the right, the Saber of Enlightenment (with a sheath of yellow jade, meaning truth) also depends from the sash.
In one ancient hand, he holds the Spear of Ten Thousand Thunders, carved cedarwood with bone grips, with the Point of Lightning on one end, and the SunMoon symbol of balance on the other. From his venerable neck, the Necklace of a Hundred Bells hangs, silent until he requests its divine music. In his other hand, he holds the Scroll of Divine Will, signed by the August Personage of Jade himself. His visage is stern but just; composed and ready to fight the forces of imbalance and evil.

You paged the room with 'All right. Dylan has brought Douglas to this place through the dark Umbra, with Arlen in tow for general backup. Li Kao is waiting here.'.

Douglas looks around the Umbra with a little bit of anxiety as memories stir within him.

Dylan is dressed in clothes which should look normal except for their contrast with his usual garb: a yellow tee-shirt and white slacks obviously cut for someone with a sizable paunch, tightly cinched at the waist. His feet are still bare. The contemporary clothes leave the man looking oddly vulnerable, even in his glabro form.

Li Kao approaches serenely, walking about a foot above the ground. He eyes Dylan's sartorial choices with dismay, but nods his approval of the required colors. "It is an auspicious night," he says solemnly. Then he looks sharply at Dylan. "There were several nights with perfect celestial alignments, but you were apparently at the bottom of the river. I am pleased that you were not tied to a large rock, and thus are able to rejoin us."

Dylan looks suitably apologetic.

Lightseeker is, stubbornly, in hispo. Apparently, she considers herself something of a rearguard.

Hope-Star has arrived.

Douglas stands still looking to Dylan and the... other with respect for them both and happiness that all his work and the work of others on his behalf may finally pay off.

Li Kao frowns, examining Dylan more closely. "So much time in contact with water," he mutters, his beak a scant two inches from Dylan's nose. "You are much too yin, now." His gaze flicks back to the enormous wolf whose acquaintance he has yet to make. "And you, you're much too yang. Both of you stand together so it cancels out." He returns to Douglas, shaking his head and muttering, "He's too yin, she's too yang... things are not what they were when I was young."

Lightseeker sidles closer to Dylan, but doesn't give her name. After all, she doesn't know the esteemed gentleman's.

Douglas nods... I wish I knew exactly what you meant. Yin and Yang only mean opposites to me, good and evil.

Dylan retreats to Lightseeker's side obediently, flashing a brief smile to his packmate as she approaches.

Li Kao produces an enormous folded fan out of nowhere, snapping it open a hair from Douglas' nose. "Good?!? Evil?!?! Yin and Yang are the balance of the Universe, the powers that reside in us all, the forces that keep the stars moving in their courses! Darkness and light! The ocean and the land! The sky and the earth! Where did you get this foolish idea of evil from?"

Douglas snaps back a bit and almost stumbles but catches himself, "It is what I picked up while with humans."

Lightseeker's eyebrow raises, although she herself stands motionless.

Li Kao shakes his head. "Then humans are much more foolish than in my day."

Douglas says "I could never really trust that definition though... Good and evil seemed to relative for me."

Hope-Star materializes from the shadows like a stray thought, pacing nonchalantly around the ceremonial area with a grave, grim deliberateness. She doesn't look at Dylan, Arlen, Douglas, or even the animated--spirit? Elder? God? engaged in instructing them. She examines the stones, the earth, the scents of wax and willow, paper and preparation. Only after a careful inspection of each and every item does she finally stalk towards her packmate, taking a position on the opposite side of him from Lightseeker and giving Li a respectful dip of the eyes.

Li Kao draws himself up, looking at Dylan. "You may introduce me to these participants in our ceremony. I am Lord Li of Kao, an emissary of the August Personage of Jade."

Douglas looks a bit confused but thinks it over and gets what it would mean if he knew what the 'August Personage of Jade' was.

Dylan bows. ~Lord Li of Kao,~ he says gravely. ~I am honored to present to you my pack-sister Hope-Star, crescent moon and harbinger of the Silent Striders, and my friend Lightseeker, crescent moon of the Black Furies. They have done Douglas and me the great kindness of accompanying us and offering their assistance. I hope this meets with your approval.~

Lightseeker remains silent, tail swishing gently.

Hope-Star remains watching the August Personage's messenger with steady dark gaze, having already made her obeisances to the Raven-spirit.

Li Kao bows solemnly. "I am pleased to have assistance in this ceremony. Douglas, are you ready to begin your journey into the mysteries?"

Douglas nods, "I am. I have done all you have told me to with faith in tonight."

Li Kao nods his head, holding the Spear of Ten Thousand Thunders ceremoniall y parallel to the ground. "Heaven is on our side. May balance prevail. Let us begin." He turns to Dylan and instructs gravely, "You may take a bundle of willow, and stand to the East with your yang friend. Your assistance will be needed shortly." To Sepdet, he says, "You may stand to the West, if you will, and take a willow branch if you wish to participate." He looks back at Douglas and tells him, "Enter the ring. You must take up the cloth folded there and wrap it around you as though it were a shroud." He drifts towards the center of the ring of stones himself, and takes up the rice paper and the writing brush.

Lightseeker watches all these preparations with complete fascination. Sidling to follow Dylan, she moves such that she can watch Li Kao as she moves. Such elaboration is apparently not in her metaphor, generally.

Douglas nods to Li Kao and without hurry nor delay steps into the circle and picks up the cloth, wraping himself in it.

Dylan does as he is told, docile in his bemused curiosity.

Hope-Star growls something low and soft under her breath that sounds almost musical, dips her eyes once more, and heads towards the west with a spring in her stride. She takes up the willow wand in her mouth and sinks into a waiting, sphinxlike posture with thin legs before her and long ears alert and facing inwards.

Li Kao writes upon the rice paper with flourishes in his calligraphy. Tearing the paper into fourths, he places a piece with a single character on it in front of each of the people outside the ring of stones, and tucks the last in his belt. Then he writes a string of several characters on a single sheet of paper, and places this carefully within Douglas' wrappings.

Douglas stays simply watching and waiting.

Li Kao raises his wing-hands to the heavens and begins to chant in Chinese, shuffling slowly clockwise around Douglas, within the ring. He remains about a foot above the actual forest floor, however.

Dylan's eyes gleam briefly. He hums what might almost be a counterpoint to Li Kao's chant.

Lightseeker shifts, slowly, upwards. Wearing yellow and white as instructed, she hums a low response to Dylan, barely noticeable.

Douglas continues to look at Li Kao, a small amount of confusion setting in.

Darkness overtakes the clearing, and the raven's chant and accompanying hums rise in volume until it seems to echo back from the near-solid gloom of the forest. The trees sway very slightly in rhythm. Mists writhe out of the ground obediently, thin columns of pale vapor that sprawl and roll outward to cover the floor of the ritual space.

Li Kao stands behind Douglas, and his chant becomes less musical and more declarative. After each unintelligible statement, he gives a translation for the benefit of those watching.
"Oh spirit oppressing this cub, make yourself known!
Come forth to do battle with the one who waits for you!
For you are subject to the laws of Heaven!
For you are bound by words of wisdom!"

"Come forth! Come forth!
For I am Li Kao,
Emissary of Heaven,
Ruler of Antares, the red star
Of the sign of the Fox,
I hold the swords you fear,
And the spear that splits you like lightning!
I bear the command of the Throne,
And I call you forth!"

Douglas stands ever ready for anything and everything that may be called upon him to do, Li Kao's words seem to raise his spirits.

A roar splits the night, and a shape darkens the air within the space. It shudders -- at first, it seems, with fear, but then the high, screeching laughter comes audible. The shuddering, quaking, terrifying giggles continue, until the image shakes apart into thousands of tiny, sharp-edged shadows. The swarm swirls like a cyclone around Douglas and dives for Li Kao.

Douglas almost turns to look to Li Kao, but does not for he was not instructed to do so.

Douglas shudders as a chill of recognition passes through him at the sight of the beast.

Li Kao spins higher into the air, shouting, "You may bring your servants and shadows, oppressing one, but see how the Spear of Ten Thousand Thunders deals with them! Behold!" And he moves like a wind, using now the brightly flashing point of the spear, now the strangely shaped sunmoon sigil. Where the spear slashes through one of the little shadows, it parts like mothwings and drifts to the ground, vanishing. Yet the swarm is numerous and hungry.

Hope-Star's dark form shimmers in the tension of unseen forces gathering around them, and as the dark cloud erupts, she bursts up to a taller but still small figure of light and shadow, clutching at her willow wand.
Hope-Star contorts and blurs as she is transformed.
Hope-Star shifts into Glabro form.

Li Kao shouts to the watchers, "Use the blessed willow! They cannot resist it!"

Dylan wades into the fray without a hesitation, swinging the bundle of willow at the tiny banelets as though swatting flies, even now a little less grim than is his wont in battle.

Arlen, who had been in the process of stringing her bow, pauses, drops the bow, and grabs one of Dylan's bundles of willow, slashing it like a whip at the flies.

Douglas looks up to the beast and Li Kao and now Dylan and wishes to join the battle in some way... but restrains.

Sepdet stares fixedly at the whirling cloud of shadowy winged things, hesitating for a split second--surely not out of fear? There is an odd, puzzled expression on her face, like someone caught in a classroom who suddenly hears the voice of someone they knew yars ago outside the window. But then she strides forward, swinging her wand in wide arcs and chanting under her breath a low, sibiliant command, repeated over and over.

Douglas looks down and spots a couple of fallen branches of willows, with only bending his knees he kneels down and picks up 2 sticks of willow, one in each hand.
Douglas stands ready for any banelets that might approach him.

The banelets part like smoke at the onslaught of willow-waving, and parts of them flutter, helicoptering, to the ground like maple seeds. Li Kao carves through the greater portion of them, but the Garou of the circle do more than their share in trouncing the shrieking flock.

Arlen mutters, ~Yew, willow, stupid discriminating banes,~ as she continues her whip slashes.

Li Kao triumphantly spears the last banelet to the ground, thrusting the Spear into the ground inches from Douglas' toes. He frowns repressively at Douglas, rearranging his draperies fastidiously before preparing for the next part of the rite. He does, however, pat Douglas comfortingly on the back.

Douglas looks a bit... happier as the last of the banelets falls.

Douglas looks up to Li Kao and the others, something of a smile on his face as he waits for someone to speak.

Sepdet examines her stick carefully, brow still knitted as if she's trying to work something out, but bows to Li and resumes her position. She checks the wood carefully before setting it back in her teeth with care and standing up straight.

Dylan, too, returns to his place, still holding the willow respectfully,and waiting for the next event.

Douglas dropping the remaining stick he held, stands still once again.

Arlen gives a small glare at her willow and returns to Dylan's side, shifting down to hispo again.

Li Kao, standing facing Douglas this time, raises his beak into the air and chants again (providing translations).
"Oh, oppressive spirit, see what has happened to your servants!
We have cut them down like ripe grain in the field,
We have brushed them off like annoying insects.
Observe, and learn, oh parasitic bane,
You cannot withstand the might of Heaven."

"Come forth! I am calling you, oh spirit,
I am commanding you to show yourself to us.
Come forth in your awful guise, we will not fear,
For we shall cut you down like your servants,
We have ten thousand years of might behind us."

Douglas stands ever smiling at Li's words... and nods to whatever 'oppressive' spirit is out there... . o O (Come be destroyed beast.)

Thunder rolls across the glade. The mists part with a screech, then tumble together in a messy tangle of shapes that look like limbs of various zoological origins. The swirling mass organizes itself presently in a long, serpentine body. As it clarifies, scales shine like emeralds, eyes gleam with opalescent fire. As it grows to twine itself about the clearing, its legs grow hematite talons, its sabre-length fangs glimmer ivory steel. A sleek grace adorns this green dragon as it casts its gaze about the circle and hisses forbodingly.

Li Kao shouts, raising his scroll, which throws a brilliant beam of light which stabs into the draconic form. "Begone, impostor! Oh servant of the one we seek, in this battle you cannot prevail!" To the garou outside the circle, he shouts, "Use your claws! No weapon will strike it!"

Douglas stops smiling, though doesn't exactly betray any fear.

Dylan sets his willow down, shifting upward and moving forward swiftly but without clumsy haste. ~The green dragon,~ he murmurs in recognition as he moves, ~is Delusion.~
Dylan contorts and blurs as he is transformed.
Dylan shifts into Crinos form.

Sepdet looks even more baffled, but obeys. She even looks like she might be enjoying herself, as she swings into action, shifting up and falling upon the center in a well-practiced maneuver so as to converge on the opposite side and at the same time as her packmate, claws raised to flail and strike like a wet cat.
Sepdet contorts and blurs as she is transformed.
Sepdet shifts into Crinos form.

Li Kao darts away from the dragon's angry strikes as he continues to harry it with the beam of light from the sacred scroll.

Douglas blinks at Dylan's words, and looks down closes his eyes then returns his gaze once again to the 'dragon'.

Lightseeker shoots a glance at Dylan, and leaps upon it, snarling quietly, claws lashing at it intently, apparently heedless of harm.

The dragon arches menacingly, draws back its head to strike, then looks rather surprised. As the claws of the Garou batter it, it cocks its head, warbles lightly with distress, then melts like sugar under a downpour.

Li Kao drifts to the ground as lightly as a soap bubble, nodding in satisfaction. "The spirit fears us, and sends us these illusions to lead us astray. Soon we will have it pinned." He begins to chant again, his voice low and intense. If a bird could sweat, his brow would be damp. Pacing carefully, he chants for some moments before finally shaking his head and saying, "It will not manifest, and we must force it to. Those with willow wands, please step into the circle and assist me. Douglas, you must stand very still." He stoops creakily and picks up a wand.

Sepdet retrieves the wand, getting an odd gleam in her eye again. She hums a soft harmony to his chant, expectant, curious, tense, as she circles inwards and plants herself behind the small sage's left wing.

Lightseeker picks up her wand in her teeth, baring them at the center of the circle in some annoyance, and moves to join the raven, a quiet rumble growing in her chest.

Douglas remains still looking in no direction but one, breathing slow and steady.

Sky's Laughter returns to the edge of the circle where he left the willow bundles, picks them up, and returns to the center, the lightness of his step entirely uncharacteristic for the peaceful stargazer when confronted with violence. His eyes are clear and filled with what might almost be entertainment. He hums softly, probably to reassure his packmate.

Li Kao directs the garou, "Lash the air around Douglas, as though beating him (it is not necessary to touch him, however: it is the bane we are after, not his flesh). Soon, I think, we will have it." He uses his willow vigorously, only occasionally brushing Douglas' ceremonial shroud, and begins to chant again.
"Oh foolish spirit, come forth.
We take you from this cub, we beat you forth.
By the lash and by the mandate of heaven,
We command you to come forth."

"Come forth! Appear to us!
For we have seen through your tricks,
We have driven off your shadow servants, your terrible defenders,
And we call you forth.
By your name, you have no claim on this soul!
Release this one, Douglas, and come forth!
There is no way for you to escape,
For I am Li Kao, and these are your foes.
Come forth. By the will of Heaven, by the powerful word."

Sepdet begins cautiously to jab and slice in a scything-motion, dancing from one foot to the other with eyes narrowed and intent.

Lightseeker shifts into glabro for this, spitting the wand into her hand and gritting her teeth, swishing the air around Douglas rather viciously for someone who hardly knows the young man.

At the words "terrible defenders," Sky's Laughter's expression trembles slightly, but with all due gravity he begins to beat the air around Douglas's shoulders, without touching the cub once.

The air, where struck with the willow branches, glows with sparks and tiny gouts of flame. These grow in size and heat and intensity with each slash of a wand, and finally gashes open in the air. Bright light leaks out of each of them, and as they open wider, monstrous tentacles of glaring, aching brilliance ooze forth. The trees shiver with the not-quite-audible hum of the bane's presence as it emerges from the vicinity of Douglas.

Li Kao shouts as the bane appears, "In the name of the Supreme Born-of-Chaos Lord of the Tao of the Five Transcendents and Seven Luminaries, I bid thee begone!"

Douglas remains still despite all that wills against him to move.

Lightseeker, in her own turn, snarls, *Begone* somewhat reflexively, still beating near Douglas.

Sepdet says coolly, ~Don't even _think_ of singing those trees,~ and gives another sharp poke with her slender prod.

The creature cringes at the command from Li, followed by the command from Lightseeker, and twitches away from the Strider's poke. It grows, spreading its deadly radiance liberally around the clearing, the shadows that shape its face twisting into a furious snarl. *I am called Misery-of-Thunders, and I am bound to this worthless spit by a curse that stretches beyond your reach, Li of Kao, Seeker of Light. You shall not drive me off. I will visit ten thousand transcendent tortures upon his mealy flesh, I will tear his voice from his lungs and cast it into rivers of molten silver, I will turn him to heads of the Great Father Wyrm that you shapechangers have never heard of, and he will stuff excrement into the mouth of the leader of your holy place as I... *I* take possession of this puny soul.*

Sky's Laughter growls faintly, deep in his chest, and jabs the creature in the eye with a willow wand. *You talk too much.*

Lightseeker makes a whipcrack with her stick, and snarls, angrily, *Go!*

Sepdet mutters sidelong at her packmate, ~Silver rivers. Transcendent tortures,~ in a fairly rueful 'been there, done that' tone of voice. She doesn't even bother to use any sort of command. She drops her willow wand and strides towards the nearest semi-solid coil or tendril, growling irritably in the back of her throat.

Douglas stands staring forward, and either from fear or respect for Li, does not move anything but his chest slightly in his breathing.

Li Kao tucks the scroll into his sash and draws the Sword of Discernment and the Saber of Enlightenment. At his movement, the Hundred Bells begin a faint and distant music, cascades of harmonizing tones like a waterfall. He speaks sternly, "Oh, spirit that calls itself Misery-of-Thunders, are you so foolish that you do not know I possess your true name? You will depart to the frozen pits of the Nethermost Hells, you will cower before the gathered wrath of heaven, for this curse is not beyond the reach of Master Li, who saw its beginning and will see its end. You have no voice to call to the Lords of Evil, you have no claws to tear and torture with, you have no right to torment this soul. Begone from here, in the name of the Seven Virtues and the Twenty Enlightenments of the Sacred Jewel!"

Sepdet sneaks in a good flathanded /whap/ if she can manage it. *Lissen to the boss man,* she intones. *Shoo.*

Lightseeker growls, *Yeah. And your little dog, too.*

Douglas holds back a smile through all of this, the words of the Garou about him comfort him to the point where fear all but disappears.

The bane twitches and *OWS* at the poke in the eye, flinches from Lightseeker's irritated command, shrinks back at Li Kao's invocation, and rears back, affronted, at the spanking. There is a tremulous quality to its voice as it attempts to puff up once more. *You can't /do/ this to me* it says petulantly. *The Seventh Council of Nine-Tiered Malfeans has issued an hereditary curse on this brat. Mine!*

Lightseeker whipcracks her willow again. *We don't have to /listen/ to the Council of Nine-Tiered Birthday Cakes. /Begone/ I tell you.*

Sepdet grumbles as the thing rears out of reach and picks up her stick again so as to have better reach. *The Seventh Council of Nine-Tiara'd Mudpuddle is obviously in a sorry state, if the best it can do is put a feeble curse on one small cub almost no one even knew about. This war should be easier than we thought.*

Li Kao bellows, "To the lowest circle of the nethermost level of the most miserable of the Nine Hells with the Seventh Council of Nine-Tiered Malfeans!" He slashes at the bane with the swords of Discernment and Enlightenment, great flashes of light shining from the celestial blades. "There was no paperwork issued for a hereditary curse and you know it!"

Sepdet's ears splay in a less than dignified manner at the mention of paperwork.

Lightseeker almost drops her willow wand, but recovers herself quickly.

Sky's Laughter has fallen silent as is his habit, and contents himself with continuing to poke the bane at intervals - /not/ his usual manner of combat.

Douglas still facing his unchanging direction, and without understanding all the words spoken, concentrates on standing perfectly still.

The comments have apparent physical force that batters at the bane's massive form. It bends, contorts, flattens, and generally diminishes at last to a small, fuzzy ball possessed of large, flat feet, baleful eyes, and a tiny cloud of soot that emerges from it at intervals. It stamps a foot with less than impressive results. "Bugger. Li Kao, you said you'd make them /believe/ in me!" The voice is a deep, resonant, Darth-Vader echo.

Sepdet stops poking in startlement, and turns a baleful glare on the raven.

Douglas smiles and remains with slowed breathing and stillness waiting for his next command.

Lightseeker turns a gimlet eye on the raven. ~Oh really,~ she mutters, glancing at Dylan.

Sepdet bites back something less than respectful towards the messenger of the August Personage of Jade, and whirls back towards the malignant dustball. She draws a left foot back slowly, deliberately, and hums something under her breath.

Li Kao points at the small form with a glittering sword. "Douglas, behold the true form of your tormentor." He then quickly flips the porcelain bowl over on top of the little bane, and stands on the bowl, rather as one might trap a spider. "It was feeding on your fear and making itself fat and powerful, your belief let it do whatever you believed it could do. My ritual made you believe that it would be vanquished, and behold!" He mutters to the bowl, "You never had such an opportunity to perform before." He grins. "Be grateful."

Douglas nods and mutters to himself, "The ultimate cliche. Nothing to fear, but fear itself."

Sky's Laughter sets down his willow and shifts back down again. ~It is generally unwise,~ he comments quietly, ~to enlist the aid of a raven in such matters.~ He is speaking to the bowl and its contents, however, not to his friends, and he does not seem displeased.

Douglas still tense and strained simply asks, "May I move?"

There is a nearly inaudible muttering and grumbling from under the bowl, punctuated by occasional curses about birds and plucking them.

Arlen bares her teeth at the bowl absently, and snarls, ~Shush~ to it.

Sepdet murmurs under her breath rather suspiciously, ~It's also unwise to make deals with a wyrm-spirit, even to trap it.~ She shakes her head and begins to shift back to her normal shape, reaching for her waterskin. ~I think there's a dish that wants washing, here.~
Sepdet contorts and blurs as she is transformed.
Sepdet shifts into Glabro form.

Li Kao bows to Douglas. "Let me finish the ritual, for we want to leave no trace of it on you." With that, he ceremonially sprinkles Douglas with water from the small bottle at his feet, then unwinds the cloth that binds him. "Be free of delusion and fear, then," he says formally, "And may your ch'i be strong and your balance sure."

Li Kao bows again to Douglas, and says, "The ritual is over. You may move." He adds, in a more practical voice, "It will be wise to burn the willow and this cloth: that is why I asked you to bring applewood. With the bane, do what you will."

Douglas nods, "Thank you all... I have so much to be greatful for" he says with truth, "May I let the bane live? Trapped as long as possible in this small prison knowing that it shall forever be imprisioned never to enjoy the harvest of fear it loves."

Arlen shifts upwards and pops a claw, and then peers at Douglas. ~Combat the Wyrm Where It Dwells and Whenever It Breeds,~ she recites. ~Why let it live when we have it at our mercy?~

Dylan regards Douglas, suddenly entirely serious. ~You are young to be a bane tender. I think you should not do this.~

Sepdet slouches and relaxes, apparently somewhat mollified by the honorable Li's final words. But Douglas' question brings her up short. She whirls on the balls of her feet and glares darkly, white teeth opening and shutting with an audible click as Dylan speaks.

Douglas says "Then not me... but I want this creature of wyrm to, not suffer, but pay for it's crime."

From afar, to the room, Sepdet . o O (Way to trigger one of Sepdet's two pet peeves. ;)

Lightseeker says, with a snort. ~I think death is a perfectly reasonable payment.~

Douglas nods, "I suppose you are right, it is... our law? I will respect that, even while I believe that death is to short and sweet a punishment."

Dylan's eyes are hard as glass. ~Do you? Perhaps you should try it sometime.~

Li Kao taps black feathered fingers on the hilts of his swords. "Death is death. And this creature, however small (and foolish), is of the wyrm you fight." He uproots the spear from the ground and stands once more upon the air. "And spirits do what they must, not like mortals, who do what they choose."

Sepdet takes a few steps back and away from Douglas, stiffly and mechanically. Her whisper is soft and flat, neither harsh nor angry nor vehement, but as unmusical as the faint scrape of dry twigs scratching against stone. ~Kill it. The life-force can be caught and brought back to Gaia. But no more words: end this.~

Douglas smiles, "You twist words so wonderfully, I never spoke of death as a pleasurable expirence." he smiles, "Very well, you have convinced me and I have learned from your words."

Lightseeker looks at Dylan. ~Have him do it. It seems appropriate. Then he may learn of death being easy.~

Sepdet gives Dylan a sharp look, turns her back, and begins gathering willow sticks, moving away from them.

Dylan looks at the cub. ~Douglas?~

Douglas looks to Dylan, "Yes?"

~Will you kill the bane which troubled you?~ Dylan asks, with infinite patience.

Sepdet takes a deep breath and brings herself back to stillness, Dylan's calm voice immediately tugging her back to her own usual quiet. She pauses in her clean-up to drop to one knee stiffly near Master Li.

Douglas stand above the bowl and frowns at it, "You dared curse my family... this is your punishment." he then jumps up and brings his foot down hard on the bowl.

From under the shattered pieces of the bowl comes a tiny gargle and a cloud of soot. And thebane is no more.

Li Kao kowtows gracefully on the air to Sepdet.

Sepdet dips her chin back at the ornamented and decorated spirit, shoulder muscles twitching slightly at the sound of snapping porcelain. "I will leave you something interesting in a high place," she says conversationally to the raven. "But be careful, old one. Tricksters can be snared by their own cunning, and even the Wise may bind themselves into foolish bargains, now and then."

Douglas looks up and smiles, this time he doesn't stiffle his laughter and breaks out tilting his head back. He soon regains his composer and kneels to Li, "Thank you kind and generous one."

Lightseeker mutters disgustedly, ~Foxes,~ and starts picking pieces of random nonsense up.

Li Kao bows again to Douglas. "I, too, have my charted course in the realm of spirits," he says to Sepdet and Douglas, "And in my own small way I hope I have been of service. The Emperor of Heaven has assigned me to the task of selling mustard mines to those who deserve them, and who am I to gainsay the word of Heaven?" To Dylan, he adds thoughtfully, "I thank you for your kind assistance, contemplator-of-omphali. I hope you find what you are looking for there."

~Lint,~ Dylan agrees philosophically, and gets to work cleansing the clearing.

Li Kao raises his hand in blessing, shimmers, fades, and vanishes with a wink of one bright and mischievous eye.

Douglas looks around and smiles, "Somehow you all seemed to enjoy that a bit."

Lightseeker says, teeth only slightly gritted, "What is an omphali?"

"Belly-button," Dylan says serenely.

Lightseeker says, as if the secrets of the universe have been revealed to her, ~Ah,~ and gets back to work.

You paged the room with 'And I officially call it a wrap. Thank you all for your participation, and I hope you enjoyed your tour of Li Kao's Magic Fun World.'.

You paged the room with 'GM is now going to meander bedwards. Plot resolved. I'd like to add my thanks to my lovely and lyrical assistant, Li Kao. Good night all, and thanks for an evening of amusement. :)'.

Back to home.