Art Gallery

All work, unless noted otherwise, created using Painter Classic, Adobe Photoshop, and the Intuos drawing pad for the Macintosh.

© 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002
Judith A. McLaughlin
The art displayed on this website may be used on personal web sites as long as this copyright is displayed with the work. Please do not use this art for commercial purposes unless arrangements are made with the artist.

The Airedale Gallery

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display well on
some monitors.
Pen and Ink Brush Brush
Brush Brush Chalk Brush
Chalk Chalk Chalk Brush
Brush Brush Chalk Pen

The Airedale Tarot

Yes, I'm slowly attempting to create a set of Tarot card-type art starring Airedale Terriers. At some point in the future, if enough people enjoy the art and want them, I may offer prints or t-shirts for sale. I doubt that there will ever actually be a Tarot deck, but who knows?

UPDATE Feb 2002: I've added the Emperor, and decided that I will be re-doing the Empress at some later time, since the coat colors are so different.
The Empress The Emperor

Non-Airedale Art

Brush Brush Chalk

E-mail the artist